Thursday, January 27, 2011

technology sucks (and so do i)

So, in order to hold myself more accountable for my running, I decided to buy one of those Nike + thingies. I don't wear Nike shoes (Asics/Mizuno FO LYFE), but I read that if you throw the bean thing in your shoe, it's pretty reliable and that it maybe will be off by about 0.2 miles, tops. 

Whoever wrote that is a goddamn liar. 

Yesterday was my first day trying it out. It seemed pretty simple-- just hit the center button to start keeping track of your workout. I hit the button and began my warm-up and run pattern. After about 20 minutes, I looked down at the thing and when I compared the mileage to what was on the treadmill, there was about a 0.65 mile discrepancy. I then stopped the Nike + thing, and broke my run pattern in order to calibrate the thing. 

I thought that was the end of my troubles, but I was mistaken. Tonight, I tried it out again, and it didn't even record the first five minutes of my run?!?! After that 5 minutes, it was pretty on par with what I was doing, though. I'm just trying to figure out what could possibly go wrong next. Maybe it will somehow find a way to shock me while I'm running?

In other news, I still haven't registered for the half-marathon yet. I should probably get on that, but in some ways, I'm still trying to psych myself up for it. In the back of my mind, I have mixed opinions; part of me feels like I can definitely make it (albeit, slowly), but another part of me is definitely afraid of not being able to make it through since I've never really done anything like this before. 

I guess we'll see how everything goes. 


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