Friday, April 8, 2011


No, this does not mean that David Bowie is now my personal trainer-- though, I'm not gonna lie and say that would be pretty awesome.

I kept up with my running, even with the shitty Nike+ tracking thing, and ended up just kind of running through horrid-ass shin splints and a burgeoning case of plantar fasciitis. The worst was yet to come, though.

A month-ish ago, I ended up catching pneumonia out of nowhere.  By the time I was able to get back to the gym, the combination of my regression and the advancement  of my training schedule would mean that I wouldn't be able to train well enough to guarantee that I'd be able to run the whole half marathon.

Because of this, I've decided to switch things up for a while--for now, I've bidded a fond adieu to running. I'm going to start training a little bit later on in the year for either the Rock and Roll Vegas Half (because really, who wouldn't want to go running down the Las Vegas strip?!) or the Carlsbad Half (possibly with the intent to complete the Triple Crown?). 

By switching things up, I've been exchanging some of my run time for HIIT and more weights in an effort to up my muscle mass, drop body fat, and condition my body for starting to train again in the fall. 

I am still wearing my pretty sweet looking Asics though.


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